Media more eager to start GOP campiagn than the candidates
...The media does not seem to know what to do with themselves with the main Republicans not eager to start fighting with each other. I doubt I will watch the debate, although I might read about the debate.
The debate is scheduled to be held in South Carolina and shown on Fox News Channel next Thursday.
But as The Los Angeles Times reported Monday night, there just are not that many potential candidates who meet the criteria to qualify, such as registering a formal presidential exploratory committee and filing all the necessary paperwork with the Federal Election Commission.
And, notably absent from the list is former Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts – who has yet to announce his plans for the debate one way or another — not to mention possible candidates such as former Gov. Mike Huckabee of Arkansas; former Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska; Gov. Mitch Daniels of Indiana; the outgoing Ambassador to China Jon M. Huntsman Jr., and Donald Trump.
I think the candidates are smart not to shoot their wad too early. The campaign season has been too long. I would like to see the whole selection process done in about a six week period.
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