Fox News: A former Baltimore resident who has been detained in Guantanamo Bay pleaded guilty Wednesday to charges against him, including murder, attempted murder, conspiracy, spying and providing material support to al Qaeda . Majid Khan admitted that he was part of the successful plot to bomb the Marriott Hotel in Jakarta, Indonesia , in 2003, which killed 11 and injured 76. Two victims from the bombing were in the military court in Guantanamo to witness the proceeding. As part of a plea agreement, Khan is expected to testify against other detainees including the self-described architect of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks Khalid Sheikh Mohammed . Khan's defense team argues that the plea agreement should be kept secret or sealed because releasing the information would put a target on the back of Khan's family and relatives. The prosecution team, led by a lawyer from the Department of Justice , insisted the p...