
Showing posts from June, 2021

The criminal consequences of Biden's terrible open borders policies

Texas is dealing with thousands of criminals who are taking advantage of Biden's ridiculous open borders policy that is endangering not only Texas but also the nation.  What Biden has done is so irresponsible Congress should be investigating whether he should be removed from office. Trump is helping to bring attention to this travesty. Democrats have also been involved in doing this in hopes that the illegals can help them steal House seats in Congress.

The most consistent feature of 'climate change'

 Rupert Darwell: ... The tendency to catastrophism was present at the outset of global warming. The previous year, at a secretive meeting of scientists that included the IPCC’s first chair, it had been recognized that traditional cost-benefit analysis was inappropriate, on account of the “risk of major transformations of the world of future generations.” The logic of this argument requires that climate change be presented as potentially catastrophic—otherwise, the cure would appear worse than the putative disease. Although catastrophism gave climate change emotive power, the most consistent feature of climate change is the failure of predictions of catastrophe to materialize. In 1990, Martin Parry , a future cochair of an IPCC working group, produced a report claiming that the world could suffer mass starvation and soaring food prices within 40 years. Yet the prevalence of undernourishment in developing countries has been on a downward trend since the 1970s and was nearly halved,...

Sen. Cruz: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Need to Enforce the Rule of Law, ...

Neither Biden nor Harris are knowledgeable lawyers.  Ted Cuz could run circles around both of them in the courtroom.

Texas to use Biden Covid relief funds to build border fence?

 Instapundit: TROLL LEVEL: TEXAS-SIZED!  Greg Abbott Executes a Hilarious but Completely Necessary Troll Using Biden’s ‘Stimulus’ Money : “The money in Biden’s plan was purposely void of strings attached because the game was to shower blue states with money, allowing them to bail out their mismanaged budgets and perpetuate left-wing priorities. Abbott has turned that on its head, instead, using a significant portion of the money given to Texas to help build a border wall in his state.” Hey, it creates jobs and it will make Texas safer.  Infuriating liberal politicians is just a bonus.

Military leaders in liberal fantasyland

 Steve McCann: America’s top military leaders have thrust themselves into the national spotlight by their overt politization and cowardly acquiescence to the radicalized Democrat Party.  The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Milley, in Congressional testimony,  defended  the teaching and promotion of Marxist based Critical Race Theory throughout the military.  He also linked what he categorized as rampant “White Rage” to the 75+million  supporters of President Trump .  The Chief of Naval Operations,  Admiral Gilday , defended the Navy-wide dissemination of an anti-White virulently racist screed. Further, the Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin,  ordered a purge  throughout the military of those he considers “extremists” (i.e., the supporters of President Trump) while tacitly agreeing with  Joe Biden  that the most lethal threat to America is domestic violent extremism, in other words, the untold millions of “White” ...

Biden's goofy plan for electric cars in rural areas

 Western Journal: White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Monday that President Joe Biden is looking to build out half a million electric vehicle charging stations — focusing on “rural and disadvantaged communities” — as part of his $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill. It should be noted that the average electric car costs around $55,600 , and they are best utilized in cities. It is not clear how disadvantaged communities could afford them or why rural residents would be interested in purchasing them. ... With an average range of 2020 models around 250 miles , electric vehicles aren’t a good solution for rural residents who may drive long distances to shop, drop kids off at school or visit relatives and friends. That is why the vast majority of EV ownership is concentrated around large cities. ... There is also the fact that the rage for electric cars deteriorates over time and significantly less in cold weather.   They are also less dependable in extreme weather when el...

Gov. Abbott to tour border with Trump

  Fox News: Texas Gov. Abbott to visit border with Trump as he becomes biggest thorn in Biden’s side   Abbott leads conservative pushback against the Biden administration on various issues Biden has violated his oath of office and turned the border over to the Mexican drug cartels who have profited greatly from his open borders policy.  I predict that liberal media will do its best to ignore the evidence of Biden's dereliction of duty on the border.

The exit from San Francisco

  Breitbart: Poll: 40% of San Francisco Residents Plan to Move Due to Homeless and Crime Liberal policies have made the city unlivable.  The streets have become feces-riddled sewers for homeless people and crime is rampant because prosecutors refuse to do their job when it comes to certain crimes. It is absolutely disgusting what liberals have done to this once beautiful city.

The defund the police movement of the left has few supporters

 Breitbart: While leftists have made “defunding the police” their rallying cry, less than one in five voters think America should spend less on police. In fact, 52 percent of voters actually think America needs to spend more on police, according to a Rasmussen poll released on Tuesday. Only 18 percent think the country should spend less on police, and 23 percent say the current amount of funding for police is about right. Sixty-six percent of voters agree with this statement: “The radical and reckless decisions by some jurisdictions to defund their police forces have had a real and devastating effect on American communities.” “That’s a quote from a letter that Republican Reps. Kevin McCarthy and Jim Jordan sent to Attorney General Merrick Garland this month. Only 24 percent of voters disagree, while 11 percent are not sure,” according to the poll report. Sixty-five percent of whites, 62 percent of black voters and 70 percent of other minorities also agree with McCarthy and Jordans’...

Why do we need election 'drop boxes'?

  Epoch Times: ‘Raises Significant Concerns’: Wisconsin Elections Commission Sued Over Ballot Drop Boxes I have never felt the need to dropbox an election ballot.  When I voted in 2020 I put my ballot into a scanner that recorded the vote and took the ballot hard copy.   This all happened at the Couty Courthouse where I was taking advantage of early voting.  I so no need for large-scale mail-in voting especially for people who are not out of the area.  It is more secure to vote in person, and it makes vote fraud much more difficult.

Inviting Big Tech into your house and bedroom?

 Matthew Crawford: The convenience of the smart home may be worth the price; that’s for each of us to decide. But to do so with open eyes, one has to understand what the price is. After all, you don’t pay a monthly fee for Alexa, or Google Home. The cost, then, is a subtle one: a slight psychological adjustment in which we are tipped a bit further into passivity and dependence. The Sleep Number Bed is typical of smart home devices, as Harvard business school Professor Shoshana Zuboff describes in The Age of Surveillance Capitalism . It comes with an app, of course, which you’ll need to install to get the full benefits. Benefits for whom? Well, to know that you would need to spend some time with the 16-page privacy policy that comes with the bed. There you’ll read about third-party sharing, analytics partners, targeted advertising, and much else. Meanwhile, the User Agreement specifies that the company can share or exploit your personal information even “after you deactivate or can...

Whoops!--Voting machines can be compromised?

 Matt Margolis: Officials in Maricopa County announced  they will replace the voting machines  that were subpoenaed during the forensic audit of the 2020 election, alleging concerns about “security and integrity.” “The voters of Maricopa County can rest assured, the County will never use equipment that could pose a risk to free and fair elections. The County recognizes Secretary Hobbs’ authority under A.R.S. § 16-442 to certify equipment for use in Arizona’s elections. As a result, the County will not use the subpoenaed equipment in any future elections,” the county said in a statement on Monday. County officials, who have always opposed the audit, have long alleged, without any evidence, that subpoenaed machines could be compromised by the auditors and, in fact, acquired new machines for local elections held this year. The county  also reportedly refused to provide subpoenaed routers  In May, it was reported that “significant discrepancies”  had been uncov...

Why did US National Institute of Health delete Covid data?

 National Review: Republican Senators Marsha Blackburn, Chuck Grassley, and Roger Marshall sent a letter Monday to the director of the National Institutes of Health, which operates a scientific facility that conducted coronavirus research, demanding that he disclose the details surrounding the deletion of COVID data from its key database. ... It was revealed last week that Chinese researchers instructed the NIH to remove gene sequences of early COVID carriers from an important database called the NIH Sequence Read Archive, the Wall Street Journal reported. The deleted data included sequences from early virus samples extracted from hospitalized patients in Wuhan who were believed to have contracted COVID in January and February of 2020. Jesse Bloom, a virologist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, was able to recover the deleted files from the Google Cloud and reconstruct partial sequences of 13 early epidemic viruses. The data Bloom uncovered led him to belie...

The NSA 'denial'

  Washington Examiner: NSA denies leaking scheme to take Tucker Carlson off the air There is a distrust of intelligence under the Biden administration.  While the NSA denies responsiblity we have seen no explanation of how someone has accessed Carlson's text messages.  See, also: Twitter Explodes With Reaction After Biden’s NSA Gets Caught Spying On Tucker Carlson Carlson says the alleged denial is misleading : The National Security Agency (NSA) issued a statement on Tuesday claiming that Tucker Carlson was never the target of an NSA investigations in response to allegations that the agency was spying on the Fox News host . Carlson discussed the statement on air on Tuesday night, along with a phone call he'd had with the NSA about his allegations that they were spying on him. "Minutes before air tonight, the NSA sent us an infuriatingly dishonest formal statement, an entire paragraph of lies written purely for the benefit of the intel community’s lackeys at CNN and MSNB...

Big Tech tries to suppress news about Antifa violence

  Epoch Times: Journalist Andy Ngo, Known for Reporting on Antifa, ‘Permanently’ Banned by Big Tech Platform This looks like a cover-up of violent Democrats who are trying to intimidate and overthrow the government.  For too long the left has tried to suppress the news of the violent conduct of the militant wing of the Democrat party. 

Democrats reaction to Jan. 6 has become as deranged as the original riots

 Washington Examiner: The Jan. 6 Capitol riot was a disgrace and a travesty Americans should remember and learn from. But Democrats, rather than try to discern the underlying cultural problems, are turning their inquiry into a partisan show. Democrats pretend they care about political violence and efforts to undermine our democracy. Really, they care about making Republicans look bad. House Speaker  Nancy Pelosi  unveiled a bill this week that would establish a Democratic-controlled select House committee to investigate the Capitol riot after Republicans blocked an earlier proposal that would have created a bipartisan, bicameral commission. Republicans voted against the first commission because it was bound to become a politicized headache that would get in the way of the facts. One only needs to glance at comments Democrats have made about Jan. 6 to understand Republicans were right: Democrats absurdly equated the Capitol riot to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, ...

New York's 'ranked choice' fiasco botches election results

 NY Times: The New York City mayor’s race plunged into chaos on Tuesday night when the city Board of Elections released a new tally of votes in the Democratic mayoral primary , and then removed the tabulations from its website after citing a “discrepancy.” The results released earlier in the day had suggested that the race between Eric Adams and his two closest rivals had tightened significantly. But just a few hours after releasing the preliminary results, the elections board issued a cryptic tweet revealing a “discrepancy” in the report, saying that it was working with its “technical staff to identify where the discrepancy occurred.” By Tuesday evening, the tabulations had been taken down, replaced by a new advisory that the ranked-choice results would be available “starting on June 30.” Then, around 10:30 p.m., the board finally released a statement, explaining that it had failed to remove sample ballot images used to test its ranked-choice voting software. When the board ran ...

GOP calls Democrats' bluff on riots

 PJ Media: ... Last Thursday, Reps. Don Bacon (R-Neb.), Rodney Davis (R-Ill.), Tony Gonzales (R-Texas), David Joyce (R-Ohio), Nancy Mace (R-S.C.), Maria Elvira Salazar (R-Fla.), and Van Taylor (R-Texas) introduced legislation to investigate the involvement of antifa in the nationwide riots of 2020. Recommended :  Jen Psaki Uses Capitol Riot to Justify Federal Takeover of Elections “Last year, organized cells of criminals hijacked overwhelmingly peaceful protests and used the legitimate grievances of others as cover to commit horrific acts of violence,” Mace said in a statement. “They caused billions of dollars in property damage and attacked law enforcement officers and innocent bystanders in cities across the country.” “These riots often caused the most harm to the marginalized communities the criminals claimed to represent,” Mace added. “Antifa bands represent the same threat to our nation posed by other terrorist groups. We must do all we can to understand and neutralize th...

More Biden orphans at the border

  Washington Examiner: New increase in migrant children at border five months into Biden tenure This looks like another wave of anchor babies from the rest of the world.  BTW: Already Deported Illegal Aliens Have No Right to Seek Release on Bond, Supreme Court Rules

Successful Black father refuses to be CRT victim

  Red States: The Left Attempted to Discredit Black Father Who Spoke Out Against CRT and Now He's Mocking Them Being a liberal means never having to admit you got something wrong. 

South Dakota sending National Guard troops To Texas border

 Daily Wire: South Dakota is sending National Guard troops to assist Texas in securing the U.S. southern border. “Tomorrow morning I’m officially announcing up to 50 National Guard troops to Texas to help secure our border,” South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem (R) tweeted on Monday. “The Biden Administration has failed to keep America safe. We shouldn’t be making our own communities vulnerable by sending police to fix Biden’s border crisis.” ... The South Dakota national guardsmen will join others from Florida and Nebraska. Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts (R) announced last week that he would be sending troops to Texas to assist Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) stop illegal immigration and smuggling into the state. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced earlier this month that Florida would supply national guardsmen to Texas as well as Arizona. ... The states are stepping up where Biden has failed to do his job on the border.  Biden's Border fiasco will go down as a failure to ...

Hershel Walker already the favorite in Georgia Senate race

 Savannah Morning News: The current conversation around Georgia’s political hot stove is about Herschel Walker and whether he will run for U.S. Senate . Notice the discussion isn’t about whether he can win the seat. More: UGA icon Herschel Walker could be planning a run for U.S. Senate. Here's what we know. Because he can and will defeat Sen. Raphael Warnock should he choose to challenge in 2022. Walker is an icon who will draw votes from disengaged voters — Black and white, left-leaning and right-leaning — on his name alone. Every Georgian alive during Walker's days with the Bulldogs has an affinity for him. Even the Tech fans. Some will cast their ballots for him for what they consider overdue payback for Georgia's most recent national championship. With former President Donald Trump lead blocking for him , Walker will ignite the Trump base. The Trumpists include the tens of thousands of Republicans in northwest Georgia who stayed home for the 2020 runoff because of Tr...

Americans don't buy Biden's 2nd Amendment BS

  Breitbart: Poll: Majority of Americans Believe the Second Amendment Exists to Keep ‘Tyrannical Government in Check’  While pushing for more gun control during a speech last week, President Joe Biden brought out the overused “hunting” argument as an excuse to infringe on Second Amendment rights. “No one needs to have a weapon that can fire over 30, 40, 50, even up to 100 rounds, unless you think the deer are wearing Kevlar vests or something,” he said. Much to the contrary, poll data shows a majority of Americans believe the Second Amendment exists to keep tyrannical governments in check — not to keep the freezer full of deer meat. According to a Rasmussen report released on Monday, 54 percent of voters agree that America’s founders “explicitly wanted an armed citizenry to keep potentially tyrannical governments in check,” including 32 percent who strongly agree. ... When it comes to the 2nd Amendment Biden has a tendency to make things up.  His story about no right to ...

The billionaires Boca Chica mansion

 Houston "Chronicle: You would think that with a real estate market as hot as Texas' and the ability to get a McMansion for only half a million dollars in plenty of suburbs, one of the richest men in the world would have some pretty sweet digs.  But multi-billionaire Elon Musk is apparently living in almost a literal box in Starbase, Texas. Musk revealed earlier this month that he only owns one house in the Bay Area now after selling off most of his real estate assets and is currently renting a home worth $50,000 from SpaceX while he does all his space things in Boca Chica. ... Teslarati's Simon Alvarez reports that Musk's rented home is actually a mass-produced, 20 feet x 20 feet "foldable, prefabricated home" from Boxabl, a housing start-up company.  The "Boxabl Casita" Musk reportedly lives in is set up like a studio apartment, with one large room partitioned into a living room and bedroom area, a fully equipped kitchen band a bathroom with a tub...

If the Joint Chiefs think 'climate change' is greatest threat they should all be fired

 Chris J. Krisinger: Speaking to American troops at RAF Mildenhall, England, on his trip to Europe, President Biden recounted an exchange with the Joint Chiefs as vice president: "This is not a joke.  You know what the Joint Chiefs told us the greatest threat facing America was?  Global warming."  Those  comments  were the latest in a Pentagon policy redux to return climate change to Obama-era status that it is an " urgent and growing threat  to our national security." This began only days after his inauguration when President Biden signed several  executive orders  again elevating climate change to a national priority.  The Pentagon soon followed suit, stating that it would begin incorporating climate risk analysis into modeling, simulation, wargaming, analysis, and the next  National Defense Strategy .  "There is little about what the [Defense] Department does to defend the American people that is not...

Democrats trying to destroy the American civilization

 Victor Davis Hanson: Debt is suffocating us. Our currency is on its way to being Lebanonized. Most major American cities are broke, dirty, unsafe, and run by either corrupt incumbents, neo-Marxists, or both. The law is optional, and applied asymmetrically on the basis of race and ideology. The past is found guilty by the laws of the present and so it is being undone. The military budget is on a trajectory to be the smallest in terms of GDP allotment since World War II; its careerist officers, for their own short-term interests, are now demonizing and will soon be driving away the very demographic that has suffered percentage-wise the greatest casualties in recent wars and was once unquestionably the foundation of the military. There is no U.S. border; it is an abstract construct that millions will illegally cross in the next few years, ostensibly because they will become future soldiers in the progressive wars for America to come. The idea of merit that built America is a dirty w...

Is Bumbling Biden really in charge of US?

 Kyle Smith: Chris Rock famously said, when Barack Obama was president, “The president and the first lady are kind of like the mom and the dad of the country. And when your dad says something, you listen.” Joe Biden, though, is the granddad of the country, and when you listen to Granddad, sometimes you wonder whether it’s safe for him to be near a pair of scissors. No big deal, though; it’s just that there’s this guy who looks like he’d have trouble using Google Maps and he happens to be in charge of all the nukes. On the rare occasions when Biden’s staff let him out of the dayroom to be seen on camera, pre-selected members of the press ask him the gentlest conceivable questions and then wind up cringing anyway as Biden gives one unnerving display after another. Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin must watch these press conferences giggling uncontrollably at their good fortune: Suddenly the world’s greatest power is in the hands of a slightly dazed-looking fellow who seems like he is alw...

Media, US lost credibility by trying to bury lab leak story

  Jazz Shaw: Poll: Majority believe US Government and media tried to cover up Wuhan lab leak theory There is a reason why the media in the US is the most distrusted in the world. 

ACLU supports Biden's lawless border policies in Texas

 Karen Townsend: The ACLU is issuing a warning to local governments in Texas – don’t participate in Governor Abbott’s actions to secure the Texas border. The warning is to county leaders that engaging in such actions at the state level violates the U.S. Constitution. The ACLU warns against Abbott enforcing “his own version of immigration policy.” The ACLU is absolutely correct in that immigration policy is the responsibility of the federal government. The Biden administration, however, has essentially abdicated its responsibilities on the southern border. Instead of rising to the occasion, admitting bone-headed decisions made by Biden on illegal migration are not working and reinstating policies from the former administration that worked to keep the southern border secure, Team Biden denies there is even a problem. But, if there is a problem, they have it all under control. With the number of illegal migrants continuing to rise and the prime season for migration here, the Biden bor...

Iran's killer President

 Dominic Green: The president is a placeholder for the people who really run the country. The elections were rigged. And most of the American media cheers along. No, not the United States: Iran. The peace-loving, centrifuge-spinning, flag-burning regime has a new president, Ebrahim Raisi . The Biden administration did promise us a new era in US-Iranian relations, and here it is: Raisi will be the first Iranian president to take office while under sanctions for mass murder. In the 1980s, Raisi was a young regional prosecutor. He was part of a four-man ‘death committee’ which ordered the disappearance and killing of thousands of the Islamic revolution’s enemies. You may be shocked to hear human rights’ groups claiming that due process was frequently ignored during this judicial massacre. This wasn’t just youthful exuberance. Amnesty International notes that when protests against the clerical dictatorship broke out in 2019, Raisi, as head of the Iranian judiciary, granted blanket im...

More questionable conduct by General who fired Space Force commander

 Washington Examiner: The general who fired a Space Force commander for trying to rid the military of Marxism was himself castigated by a military judge in an unprecedented order for intentionally violating the constitutional rights of a serviceman. Last month, Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting of the U.S. Space Command relieved Matthew Lohmeier of his duties overseeing missile defense based on a judgment that informing the public about Marxist ideology in the military was dangerous. But beginning in 2018, while supervising a military prosecution, Whiting violated the due process and rights to a fair trial of an Air Force engineer on three counts of rape that could have resulted in a lifetime prison sentence, according to court documents. “This court is left to conclude that the United States of America is neither committed to ensuring the accused gets a fair trial nor taking the steps necessary to provide the accused with the relevant discovery to mount his defense,” wrote Judge W. Shane C...

Democrats make bogus claims of racism to destroy single family housing

 Fox News: In early 2009, the Obama administration made a surprising, probably unprecedented accusation against Westchester County, New York—a pretty liberal place. According to the Obama administration, Westchester was an instrument of white supremacy — not the good liberals who live in Westchester, Bill and Hillary Clinton and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez , many others. No one accused them of being bigots. The problem was the buildings they lived in. All those single-family homes — row upon leafy row, set back from the street, well-tended lawns and mailboxes — were examples of racism — literally "structural racism." The only solution, the Obama people announced, was much greater density: more subsidized housing complexes in Westchester, more hi-rise apartment buildings, maybe some drug-addicted vagrants living on the sidewalk, begging for change. Only if Westchester became more like the Bronx could it become non-racist. This was all something of a surprise to the people who li...

This is the kind of conduct we have come to expect from Democrats

  Washington Examiner: California Democrats seek to change rules ahead of Newsom recall   California Democrats hope to pass an election reform bill that would help Gov.  Gavin Newsom  stave off a likely recall election later this year. ... The revisions would speed up the recall process, a move widely considered to benefit Newsom given the governor's improving approval ratings as California moved toward a  full reopening  this month, reversing shutdowns meant to stop the spread of COVID-19. ... Democrats are always looking for ways to "fix" elections in their favor.  It is one of the reasons California has become such a mess.

Nebraska woman sentenced for up to 102 years for sexual assault on boys and other crimes

 WOWT: A Sarpy County woman was sentenced Monday to 64-102 years in prison for sexual assault of a child and 10 other charges. Christina Greer, 38,  was convicted on March 10  on three counts of first-degree sexual assault of a child, two counts of witness tampering and six counts of child abuse, according to the Sarpy County Attorney’s Office. Court documents showed that Greer had sleepovers at her home, gave children marijuana edibles and  groomed two boys  — ages 12 and 13 at the time — to have sex with her. “Having sex with an adult female is thought of, that’s the cool kid of the group. It’s just not the case in these situations. They’ve been bullied, transferred schools multiple times. It’s just unfortunate they have to continue to deal with it,” said Sarpy County Deputy Attorney, Phil Kleine. Police arrested Greer after a report was made that she was having sex with one of the boys from September 2017 to December 2017. In January 2019,  another boy c...