Young voters troubled by the Biden-Harris economy

 Gateway Pundit:


One issue seemed to feature most prominently for the Gen-Z voters polled: the state of the economy under the Biden-Harris regime.A common theme among the voters polled was frustration at the rising cost of housing.

Two voters even acknowledged they had recently experienced homelessness. One woman said she was working full time while she was homeless, indicating it was because she had to choose between eating and having a home.

Not all Gen-Z voters are going to have the wisdom to connect those rising prices to Democrat policies.

In fact, some of the very same voters in the focus group went on to praise Harris’ running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz.

That said, overall, voters tend to connect the current economic conditions to the sitting president — that’s why incumbent candidates often have a hard time winning re-election during recessions.

If these voters do not wise up soon they are going to live a life of constant disappointment.  Their current problem is caused by the inflation Biden unleashed with his reckless spending spree upon taking office.  He dialed it back after his first year in office but the economy is still feeling the impact of his inflationary spending. 


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