Trump accuses Harris of pushing Communist measures


Former President Donald Trump told a crowd of supporters at a Saturday evening rally in Pennsylvania that challenger "Comrade" Kamala Harris went "full communist" in a campaign speech Friday, advocating for "socialist price controls."

"She wants to destroy our country after causing catastrophic inflation," he said. "You saw that never worked before. This is the Maduro plan – Venezuela, Maduro plan of like the old Soviet Union.

"This is, they tried it. How did the Soviet Union work out? It became Russia, smaller version," Trump said at the rally, which aired live and in its entirety on Newsmax and the free Newsmax2 streaming platform.

Trump said Harris' economic plan will cause rationing, hunger, and skyrocketing prices, just like "one of the great scams of all time," the Inflation Reduction Act.

"They got it approved with a beautiful name, 'Inflation Reduction,' because inflation under their system has been so bad. It's gone up much more than 50%," Trump said.

Trump said people are "being devastated" by inflation that is only going to get worse.

Trump argued Harris' speechwriter will be fired for the blunder.

"We took that section and we actually made a commercial on it, and we got the best commercial of the week. And we didn't do anything. We just played her back. But here's the problem: The things that she said yesterday don't work," he said.

Trump said Harris' proposals have never worked and have been used in many other countries where they have failed.

Haris's father has been described as a Communist and she does appear to be quite radical in her statements.  The inflation under the Biden-Harris administration has been significant and was caused by their reckless spending in their first year in office.  She comes across as an incompetent ditz.  If elected she would likely be relying on the same people who have been running the show for Biden who is also incompetent.

See also:

Harris’ Big Plan For Price Controls: The Economy’s Next Big Disaster?


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