Say what? 'The Sermon on the Mound'?

 Sherry Sylvester:

One could only laugh at the news report by CBS 5 in Austin this week citing “concern over a “Bible infused public school curriculum in Texas.’” According to the reporter, one of those “concerns” is that students would be taught about the “Sermon on the Mound.” Here’s what it said:

Insert your own baseball joke here.

The obvious reference to the “Sermon on the Mount” could have been a typo – but if so, not only did the reporter, but the proofreaders also missed it. It was posted for almost a day before being corrected.

Did they miss it because they don’t know that the Sermon on the Mount is widely considered to be the most famous sermon ever delivered? If so, that is precisely the reason the new public school curriculum is necessary.


This may be one of the worst typos in recent memory.  It also exposes a serious editing failure. 


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