Why the Dems are hiding Biden and Harris

 Michael Goodwin:


Biden is well past his prime, as he demonstrated repeatedly with his angry shouting and repetitive asides of “I’m not joking” and “That’s not hyperbole.”

Put it this way: If it was your job to convince America the party can be trusted to find a new leader who is ready to guide the nation for four more years, would you want Biden’s dreary performance to be seen by as many as 40 million voters?

Even worse, would you want to take a chance that the same Joe who delivered the June debate debacle would show up and destroy the fiction that he and the party are even modestly competent and honest?

You’d be crazy not to fear that his stumbles, mumbles and brain freezes would remind the nation that Dems put a dangerously declining figure in the White House and tried to hide him from the public.

And remember — Biden would be accepting his party’s renomination this week instead of saying goodbye had he put on even a halfway decent debate performance against Donald Trump.

So it’s clear — the star of the “Thank you, Joe Biden” evening was purposely put out to pasture in the wee hours precisely because most people would be asleep before he finished.

Seen that way, the scam reveals a larger point, namely that the Chicago convention is running as fast as it can because the party’s hopes for November are built on three big lies.

It needs to open and close the show before voters see what’s really behind the curtain.

Lie No. 1 is the claim that Biden is still compos mentis enough to remain in the Oval Office for five more months.

He’s running out the clock with extended stays at his beach house, an open invitation for our adversaries to make trouble.

One outrageous example came Monday when, among other distortions, he said the anti-Israel protesters on the streets of Chi­cago “have a point.”

No, they don’t have a legitimate point because Israel has every right to finish off the terror organizations that carried out the bloodiest single-day attack in the Jewish state’s history.

For Biden to say otherwise encourages the protesters, lets Iran off the hook and gives Hamas no reason to agree to a cease-fire deal that is already lopsided in its favor.

Heckuva job, Joe.

Lie No. 2 of the convention is that Biden has been a great president whose tenure is splashed with historic accomplishments.

Oh, please.

It’s not a plausible assessment to see him as successful by any definition.

If he was great or even good, why did the public so thoroughly reject his policies?

Why do 65% of voters say the country is on the wrong track?

And don’t forget his family’s foreign influence-peddling schemes, which add to the odor.

His poor ranking is not a recent phenomenon.

Which brings us to Lie No. 3: Kamala Harris is competent enough to replace him as president.

If that’s true, she did an excellent job of hiding her talent for the last 3½ years.

Beyond the word salads, odd giggles and the exits of a dozen aides, complete with horror stories of her brutal management style and refusal to prepare for public appearances, she was part of every major administration ­decision and policy.

Meaning all those failures are her burden, too.

Yet here she is, heir to a fortune in party delegates handed her by a process that would make the old bosses of Tammany Hall blush.

She is so unprepared for the promotion that the game of Hidin’ Biden is being replaced by Hidin’ Harris.

If Democrat voters were honest about their nominee, she should lose in a landslide.  She may be among the weakest nominees for a major party in history.  Surely Democrats must have a better choice among its elected officials in the US.  Harris not only lacks political skills she also appears to have overrated intelligence.  She giggles like a teenage valley girl.

See also:

Vice President Harris runs for hills after this major challenge by Donald Trump


Harris’s decision to decline the debate did not come as a surprise to Trump, who attributed her refusal to what he believes is her inability to defend her record.

“I am not surprised by this development because I feel that she knows it is very difficult, at best, for her to defend her record-setting Flip-Flopping on absolutely everything she once believed in, including her statements that THERE WILL BE NO FRACKING IN PENNSYLVANIA and her HORRIBLE Performance on the Border, our ‘Border Czar,’ where millions of criminals and people from mental institutions and terrorists, have been allowed to pour into our Country, totally unchecked and unvetted,” Trump wrote.


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