The Biden administrations war against free speech

 DC Daily Journal:


In a chilling display of government overreach, a group of Christian pro-life activists, including an 89-year-old survivor of a communist prison camp, now face the prospect of over a decade behind bars.

Their crime? Daring to stand up for the unborn in an era where the Biden administration seems bent on punishing those who oppose its radical pro-abortion agenda.

The activists — Chester Gallagher, Heather Idoni, Joel Curry, Justin Phillips, Cal Zastrow, his daughter Eva Zastrow, and 89-year-old Eva Edl — were found guilty by a federal jury in Michigan of conspiring against rights and violating the FACE Act.

Edl, who survived a Yugoslavian communist prison camp under dictator Josip Broz Tito as a young child before fleeing to the United States, now faces the terrifying possibility of returning to prison in her twilight years, thanks to a Justice Department more interested in silencing dissent than upholding justice.

The Biden administration, in a move that reeks of political persecution, has been wielding the “conspiracy against rights” charge — a statute originally designed to combat the Klu Klux Klan — against pro-life activists.

The message is clear: if you stand against the Left’s abortion narrative, you’re in for a fight that could cost you your freedom. These seven courageous individuals now face over 10 years in prison and crippling fines, with sentencing looming as the defendants and the Department of Justice continue to battle it out in court.

The application of the Face Act in this case looks like a clear violation of the 1st Amendment.  Would they use this act against blacks' demonstration against discrimination?  It looks like it is the government is the one with a conspiracy against rights.

See also:

FBI Director Christopher Wray has nowhere to hide after being put in the hot seat


“I remain concerned with the [DOJ] and the [FBI] weaponization of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act against Americans who stand for life,” Roy said in his letter to the editor.

Roy cited Wray’s July 24 testimony before his panel, which the Congressman claims “seems to contradict the DOJ’s own data that shows the FACE Act is being used almost exclusively against pro-life individuals.”


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