Trump to return to energy independence


Former President Donald Trump, in a major economic speech Wednesday, said the centerpiece of his plan to reduce the cost of living for Americans is to slash energy prices by half within the first 18 months of him taking office.

"I'm announcing today that under my leadership, the United States will commit to the ambitious goal of slashing energy and electricity prices by half, at least half," Trump told a raucous crowd in Asheville, North Carolina, at a rally that aired live on Newsmax and simulcast on the Newsmax2 online streaming platform. "We intend to slash prices by half within 12 months, at a maximum 18 months.

"You know, energy is such a big topic, such a big cost, so powerful, so big that if you have a donut shop, you have the ovens, you have a truck that delivers the donuts. If you have whatever you do, your heating, your cooling, everything is about that. That's where [the Biden-Harris administration] really blew it. They blew it with too much borrowing."

He said his administration will issue rapid approvals for new energy infrastructure, unlock new lands for drilling and achieve energy independence and energy dominance.

"At the center of our effort to bring the cost of living under control will be the all-out push to end the Biden-Harris war on a thing called American energy," Trump said. "We will drill, baby, drill. We're going to bring energy prices down. And just so you know, they stopped [drilling], and it was terrible what they did. That's what caused the whole problem. And then they said, oh, go back to the Trump plan now. Now they're drilling. But the day after the election, if they win this election, the drilling stops. They're only doing this for purposes of getting elected."

Trump said he will repeal "the Biden-Harris regulatory onslaught," end the electric vehicle mandate on automakers put in place by the Biden-Harris administration, and said he will work to reduce income taxes, including making the tax cuts enacted under his administration permanent. They are set to expire in 2025.

The Biden-Harris team nearly doubled the cost of energy driving up the cost of driving and heating and cooling American homes.   Electing them also led to costly wars in Europe and the Middle East.  Americans can begin to recover from that mistake by reflecting Trump.  Harris does not have the mental capacity to do the job of president.


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