Kamala was in the room when Biden made the Afghan debacle

 Washington Examiner:

In a tenure filled with blunders, the Biden administration’s most embarrassing moment has to be the disastrous retreat from Afghanistan in 2021. More than a dozen American servicemembers died during the hasty withdrawal, and tens of thousands of allies were left to fend for themselves against the bloodthirsty Taliban. President Joe Biden’s approval rating began a precipitous downward slide after the catastrophe.

Democrats surely hope that replacing Biden at the top of the ticket with Vice President Kamala Harris will mean voters forget about Afghanistan and the many other Biden policy bungles. Harris has been attempting to cultivate an image of competence, expertise, and professionalism in contrast with Republican presidential nominee, former President Donald Trump. But the fact of the matter is that Harris has been in the room for almost every bad decision the Biden administration has made since coming to power in 2021. And nowhere has the Biden-Harris administration’s failure of judgment been so painfully clear as in Afghanistan.

I never thought Harris was very competent.  She failed her first bar exam and though she eventually passed it she did not strike me as a competent lawyer.  She apparently got her position because she is an attractive woman who uses that for advancement. I don't think she has any experience with military operations and the Biden administration apparently has no one with that kind of experience.  While Gen Milley has some experience he has not been effective in providing the Biden administration with effective decisions.


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