The Democrats' election machine cares more about itself than the country

 The US is seeing a repeat of the 2020 election when Democrats pretended that Joe Biden was honest and did not have dementia.  They elected a husk of a man whose first year in office led to the worst inflation in decades with his wreckless spending.  Now that they can no longer prop him up they are propping up Kamala Harris who is even worse.

Harris has always been an intellectual lightweight. She is so unintelligent that she is blaming grocery stores for the price of food when they have some of the lowest profit margins in the country.  Harris's threats against them are absurd.  She and the Democrats need to look in the mirror regarding the causes of inflation.

The Democrat election machine is propping up Harris while it is attempting to put their major political opponent in jail.  The current corruption of the Democrats appears to have no bounds in its lust for power and it certainly does not have the best interest of the country in mind.  

Surely in a country as big as the US, they can find a better candidate for president than Kamala Harris.  She is a person who flunked her first bar exam and then used her body rather than her mind to achieve power.

The Democrat election machine is working overtime to get another unqualified person elected this year.  They are not doing it in the best interest of the US, but in what they perceive is the best interest of the party.  

We are seeing a replay of the same script they used in 2020 to get Biden elected and defeat Trump.  Rather than run on the issues that lead to a better country, they are demonizing and attempting to criminalize their opponent even though that opponent had a much more successful presidency in his first term.  

Some in the media have become something of a cohort for the Democrats.  They are often a part of the Democrat election machine going along with the demonization of Trump and joining the Democrat machine in propping up Harris.

See also:


 DNC trots out Obama, Clinton to gaslight voters about Harris. Democrats are a dishonest mess.

Even if the DNC is a hot mess, it will be framed to look positive. How do I know? It's been happening since Joe Biden went downhill during his debate with Donald Trump.


Megyn Kelly

But you’re not allowed to point out that Kamala Harris slept her way into politics w/Willie Brown, nor are we supposed to discuss that the would-be 1st Gentleman banged his kids’ nanny & got her pregnant. Too far!

NO WAY THEY JUST PULLED A LAW AND ORDER ON TRUMP 🤣🤣🤣 #DNC2024 #dnc #DNCConvention2024 #HarrisForPOTUS #HarrisWalz #HarrisWalz2024



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