Walls for Democrat convention but not for the border?

 Nick Arama:

Democrats never seem to truly believe what they say. At least not when it applies to themselves.

How many times have we heard from them that walls are wrong? That walls are racist? That former President Donald Trump was wrong for wanting to build a wall on the southern border to protect Americans and the country?

What did Joe Biden and Kamala Harris do the minute they entered the White House?

They not only halted Trump's policies that had been working at the border, but they also put a stop to the building of Trump's wall. The former president had built part of the wall before Biden came in and just stopped it, not only not using the material secured for it, but letting it lie fallow and paying NOT to use it -- just paying millions to have it sit. That's the insane policy of the Biden-Harris team.

That's a big part of the reason that we had the disaster that followed with the unmitigated influx of illegal aliens.

However, the Democrats are now erecting a lot of walls at the Democratic National Convention, proving just how hypocritical they are and how they do in fact believe they work.

They're putting up the walls because they're concerned about the reports of thousands of protesters showing up, reminiscent of the 1968 DNC in Chicago. That's not sounding very democratic, keeping out folks on the left who want to protest their actions. But they already proved how anti-democratic they have been by shoving out Joe Biden and swapping him for Kamala Harris even though she didn't receive a single vote in the primary.

Democrats want open borders because they want illegals to vote for them.  They just do not want people to interfere with their rigged convention after they dumped Biden who was the only Democrat who received votes from actual voters.


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