Media out to help Harris and hurt Trump

 The Federalist Wire:

The mainstream media has never faltered in their support of the Democrats. They want to do everything in their power to propel the radical Left to victory.

And the Leftist media’s plan to help Harris win the 2024 election has finally been uncovered.

The media landscape has taken a notable turn in recent weeks, with Vice President Kamala Harris becoming the focal point of extensive and overwhelmingly positive coverage.

Following her rapid ascendancy to replace President Joe Biden as the Democratic Party’s 2024 candidate, Harris has received an unprecedented amount of favorable press, making this a historic moment in modern media coverage.

At the same time, and in a development that many anticipated, former President Donald Trump has been the subject of a relentless media assault.

The negative press surrounding the Republican nominee is remarkable, likely setting a record for unfavorable coverage in recent political history.

This stark contrast in coverage was revealed in a report from the Media Research Center, a conservative watchdog.

Their analysis highlighted that 84% of media coverage about Harris has been positive, while 89% of the coverage concerning Trump has been negative across major networks like CBS, NBC, and ABC.

“Not only has Harris received 66% more airtime than former President Donald Trump, but the spin of Harris’s coverage has been more positive (84%) than any other major party nominee, even as Trump’s coverage has been nearly entirely hostile (89% negative),” the report revealed.

This is one of the reasons why the media is not trusted as much as it used to be.  They are trying to build up a dingbat Harris and rundown Trump who was a much more successful president than the Biden-Harris team. 

Under Trump inflation was under control and the world was more peaceful.  Under the Biden-Harris regime inflation exploded by nearly 20 percent in their first year and they added a few more percent in succeeding years.  The world has been on fire with wars since they were elected.

Their coverage of Harris has swung from critical to unjustified praise as they try to swing the election to an unworthy candidate.


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