Harris wants extreme liberals on the courts

 American Action News:

Vice President Kamala Harris’ past questions during judicial nomination hearings signal her top priority when selecting judges is ensuring they will advance left-wing goals, legal experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

While serving as a California senator, Harris used nomination hearings to press Trumps’ judicial appointees with questions on climate change, abortion and their membership in faith-based groups. The sharp partisan slant of her questioning demonstrates she values judges who will score her political points with voters rather than those who will interpret the law and Constitution as written, experts told the DCNF.

“If you look at the type of questions she’s asking, she clearly misunderstands the role of the court,” JCN President Carrie Severino said.

During Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation hearing, Harris asked whether Barrett believed that “climate change is happening and is threatening the air we breathe and the water we drink?” At Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s hearing, Harris asked if he could “think of any laws that give the government the power to make decisions about the male body?”

This is not the role of the judiciary.  It is to carefully interpret the law and not push an agenda.  This is yet another reason to vote against Kamala Harris.


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