A Biden-Harris debacle

 Red State:


Harris disqualified herself with ignorant comments, not understanding or perhaps caring that overspending makes inflation worse. She talks about what she would do if she was elected on "day one" -- despite being in power now and not only not solving the problem but making things worse with bad policy. She also praised the "extraordinary Joe Biden." 

Meanwhile, Biden couldn't even get her name right, and his brain broke at least a couple of times during his remarks. He also used threatening language against the GOP, saying we are going to "beat the hell out of them." Where is the media to condemn his violence, a little over a month since the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump? 


Shortly after Vice President Kamala Harris handed over the podium to President Biden on Thursday, dozens of attendees at a joint event simply stood up and left rather than listen to the retiring commander-in-chief.

The rude demonstration was a stark showing of the enthusiasm gap among Democrats revved up by Harris’ sudden elevation as the party’s presidential nominee after Biden dropped out last month — amid reporting that Harris, 59, is seeking to redefine herself to gain distance from the unpopular incumbent.

Adding insult to injury, when Biden, who regularly suffered low attendance at his own election rallies this year, and Harris greeted an overflow room, he was accused by multiple irate protesters of facilitating “genocide” in the Gaza Strip.


The Biden administration triggered the current inflation with a wreckless Spending spree which they dialed back after it was too late.  As for the alleged genocide in the Gaza Strip, this is a bogus charge against the Israelis who are responding to the mass murder of thousands of Israelis by Hamas.  Hamas had actually bragged about its desire to commit genocide against Israelis.  Israel should be destroying those who commit mass murder and threaten genocide.


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