Intelligence reports indicate Iran wants to hurt Trump campaign

 DC Daily Journal:


And U.S. intelligence just delivered Trump a terrifying report that changes the 2024 race completely.

Top intelligence officials have confirmed what many have long suspected: Iran is behind a cyberattack targeting former President Donald Trump’s campaign, as well as attempts to breach individuals linked to both major political parties.

This revelation comes as no surprise to those who recognize Tehran’s desperate attempts to meddle in the 2024 presidential election.

Previously, tech giants Microsoft and Google had exposed Iran’s breach of a campaign, further solidifying concerns about Tehran’s intentions.

Intelligence officials made it clear that Iran’s objective is to “stoke discord and undermine confidence in our democratic institutions,” a tactic that’s become all too familiar.

In a joint statement, the FBI, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency emphasized, “Protecting the integrity of our elections from foreign influence or interference is our priority.”

“We will not tolerate foreign efforts to influence or interfere with our elections, including the targeting of American political campaigns.”

Google also revealed that the Iranian hackers didn’t stop at Trump’s campaign — they also attempted to infiltrate accounts tied to President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

It tells you who Iran fears the most that Trump is a target.  When Trump was previously in office he approved of a hit on an Iranian terrorist who had been implicated in attacks on Americans. 

See also:

Iran Wants Trump Eliminated by Election Day


In the assessments of several governments, the Iranian regime has made clear it wants to rid itself of Trump — and it believes it must do so by Election Day.

The ayatollahs' mortal animus against Trump is not a secret.

After Trump ordered a Baghdad drone missile strike in January 2020 that successfully killed Qassem Soleimani, head of the IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps), Tehran vowed bloody revenge.


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