Kamala Harris hiding her policies?

 DC Daily Journal:


It’s understandable that a fresh campaign isn’t going to have its ducks in a row right away. That being said, when you’re launching a campaign ahead of an election just a few months away, you should probably be prepared to hit the ground running on all four cylinders. That’s not been the case with the Kamala Harris campaign. Curiously, they’ve been leaving out a key piece of any successful campaign for President of the United States.

That is having a policy platform to run on. At this point in time, the Kamala Harris campaign has no policy positions on her campaign website. She’s not discussed policy with any reporters in any substantial interview. Her allies have been unable to point to anything that she currently believes in.

I think this is deliberate.  If she ran on the policy positions she has backed in the past she would lose overwhelmingly.  There is little to no support for them so now she is trying to scrub that material from her speeches and pretending to be more moderate. 

See also:

WATCH: Kamala Spox Squirms As CNN Asks Very Simple Question About Her Schedule

 Talk about a stealth campaign. She's reportedly flipped on a variety of positions, but she hasn't officially said what her policies are on her website. She won't answer questions from reporters. She won't do interviews. Right now all she is doing is repeating the same tired old campaign remarks, read off a teleprompter. Not exactly inspiring stuff. 



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