Crime by illegals

 American Action News:

A migrant previously arrested for sexual assault allegedly raped a woman at knifepoint in New York City on Sunday, while another attacked her boyfriend when he tried to intervene, the New York Post reported.

David Davon-Bonilla, a 24-year-old Nicaraguan migrant, reportedly threw the 46-year-old woman to the ground and held a knife to her throat as he raped her, law-enforcement sources told the NYP. When the woman’s boyfriend attempted to stop the attack, Davon-Bonilla’s alleged accomplice, 37-year-old Mexican migrant Leovando Moreno, reportedly struck him with a pipe.

Davon-Bonilla entered the U.S. illegally in December 2022, and had already plead guilty to a sexual assault of a woman since entering the U.S, according to the NYP.

Why wasn't this guy deported after his first assault?  US women are the victims of Biden's open borders policy.  Women voters should be supporting Trump because he will deport the illegals. 

See also:

Fox News Highlights Deadly Results of Kamala Harris Being Soft on Crime


 ...she (Kamala Harris) is also facing questions about her record as a San Francisco district attorney. And one case that's bringing this into focus is the 2010 death of law student Drew Rosenberg. Now, Drew was hit and killed at a stoplight by an illegal immigrant driver who was arrested just months earlier for driving without a license and let back out on the streets after Harris's office dropped a charge against him. 

She added:

Drew's father wrote to Harris shortly after, saying he and his son actually supported her bid to become California's attorney general, and writing, "For my son Drew, it would be the last vote he ever placed. My son is dead because the DA did not believe that driving without a license is a big deal."



Guy Benson

Flown here under Biden-Harris program, allegedly raped a minor upon arrival…and was released — requiring an operation conducted by ICE, an agency Harris has compared to the KKK & called for its abolition/replacement.

SCOOP: Per law enforcement sources, this morning, ICE Boston found & arrested the Haitian migrant who was released on $500 bail in June after being charged w/ raping a 15 y/o girl in a migrant hotel. He flew into the US via Biden mass parole program in ‘23…


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