American supporters of mass murdering Hamas

 Center For Security Policy:

“Hamas is coming, We are Hamas” were the words chanted by crowds that moved through Washington D.C, defiling statutes with pro-terrorist graffiti and assaulting police officers, as they tore down the American flag outside of iconic Union Station and replaced it with a Palestinian one. It is a scene and a slogan that has been repeated multiple times in cities and on college campuses since  7 October 2023, when Israel was viciously and savagely attacked by Hamas and their supporters. Unspeakable atrocities were committed on mostly civilians, including the elderly, children and infants. Among the atrocities were beheadings, killing women, children and non-combatants, mutilations, rape, torture and burning people alive.

Some 1200 individuals were killed, 4200 wounded and 251 taken hostage. Those held illegally by Hamas come from 24 different countries, including 8 citizens from the United States.

To add insult to injury, university and college students, faculty, professors, administrators, outside agitators and activists took to the streets and to our educational institutions in support of the Palestinians, Hamas, and antisemitism.

They scream, “Hamas is coming,” “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” “Death to Israel, Death to America”, “End the occupation now” and “Ceasefire now,” among many other equally ridiculous chants. Most of these “useful idiots” (a term coined by Lenin) cannot name the river or the sea, that being the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. Nor do they realize that Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005 after winning the territory from Egypt in the Six-Day war in 1967. In 2006, Hamas won a Palestinian election and in 2007, seized control of Gaza in a civil war. So, since 2005, Israel has not “occupied” the Gaza Strip.

Nor are they correct to say that “Hamas is coming.” No Hamas is already here and has been for decades.


Hamas is the reincarnation of the Nazis seeking to finish what Hitler tried.  Palestinians are really Arabs who once conquered the Middle East and are bitter about Israelis reclaiming their territory.

See also:

 The IDF’s Boot Is on Hamas’ Throat

At this point, the only obstacle to an Israeli military victory in Gaza is Washington


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