Jordanian accused of attacking energy facilities in Florida

 American Action News:

A Jordanian national has been indicted for allegedly attacking an energy facility and other businesses, as well as threatening to destroy the U.S. for its perceived support of Israel, according to a Thursday statement from the Justice Department.

Hashem Younis Hashem Hnaihen, a 43-year-old Jordanian living in the Orlando, Florida, area, has been charged with one count of destruction of an energy facility and four counts of threatening to use explosives, according to a Thursday press release from the Department of Justice (DOJ). The indictment stems from a series of threats and attacks against businesses in the Orlando area that began over the summer, resulting in damages that are estimated to top well over half a million dollars.

“Under the guise of expressing his beliefs, the defendant allegedly attacked a power facility and threatened local businesses, causing hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages,” FBI Director Christopher Wray said in a statement. “Violence and destruction of property to threaten and intimidate others will never be tolerated.”

He was attacking businesses that he believed supported Israel.  This suggests that he is likely an Islamic religious bigot. 


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