Students that don't know much about history or civics

 Legal Insurrection:


College students lack a “rudimentary grasp” of American history and government, as displayed in a civic literacy assessment recently conducted by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni.

The 35-question survey, “Losing America’s Memory 2.0,” asked more than 3,000 students from all 50 states questions about history and government, including Senate term lengths and a quote from the Gettysburg Address, according to ACTA. The survey was conducted in June by College Pulse.

“It seems that many students are completely tuned out to politics, lacking the knowledge to participate effectively,” ACTA’s Vice President for Policy Bradley Jackson told The College Fix in a recent email. “In a democracy, that is a recipe for disaster.”

When asked who is the current president of the U.S. Senate, only 27 percent of students were able to correctly identify Kamala Harris, and over a quarter thought it was President Joe Biden.


This may be why Biden and Harris got elected. 


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