Questions about the attempted assignation of Trump

 Stephen Kruiser:


We have had little in the way of answers explaining how a lunatic kid was able to saunter up onto a rooftop and attempt to murder the former President of the United States of America. True, the rarest of rare things did follow the assassination attempt — a bureaucrat was forced to resign — but that was more of a smoke screen than anything else.

The story we're being told is that the Secret Service was plagued by a bout of incompetence after an extraordinary, lengthy run of doing its job exceedingly well.

As far as I am concerned, that doesn't pass the smell test.

The Executive Branch of the United States government under Joe Biden has been very focused on destroying Donald Trump. Since 2020, we live in a world of tinfoil hats, so it's not ridiculous to wonder if one of its agencies might have deliberately shirked its duties to put Trump in peril. In fact, that's easier for me to believe than the idea that one of the few government agencies that does its job well suddenly turned into a bunch of incompetent buffoons.

I write that as someone who typically expects those who work for government agencies to not do their jobs well.

For the longest time, the Democrats have been fond of blaming "rhetoric" for violence in the world. They even went through the motions of pretending that they'd tone it down when speaking of Donald Trump. As Catherine writes in a recent VIP post, that promise never came close to being kept.

Donald Trump is still a target because the Left wants him to be a target. There has been nothing to indicate that the alleged incompetence that allowed a disturbed young man to take a shot at Trump won't happen again.

The Democrats fear Trump's return to the presidency more than they fear anything else. In the last few years, we've seen them go to extremes to achieve their political goals.

It's not a stretch to say that there are more extreme extremes for them to explore between now and November.

The Secret Service is accused of several mistakes leading up to this event.  They were supposed to have people on the roof that the shooter used for his attack.  Instead, they were in the building because it was "too hot" on the roof. 


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