Rasmussen says independents are putting Trump in front


Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump leads Democrat Kamala Harris by 3 points in a national head-to-head battle, bolstered by a bump from independent voters, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports poll released Thursday.

Trump leads Harris 49% to 46%, according to the survey.

Although Trump's lead is down from 4 points a week ago, Trump's lead among independents increased by 2 points over the same timeframe. Trump got 51% support from independents in Thursday's poll compared to 40% for Harris. Last week, Trump led Harris by 9 points among unaffiliated voters, according to the poll.

"Is Trump getting a DNC Convention bounce?" Rasmussen asked in a post to X.

However, Harris cut into Trump's lead thanks to a 4-point swing among women in one week. Last week, Trump led Harris 49% to 47% among women in their head-to-head. Harris flipped the script in this week's survey, leading Trump 48% to 46%, according to Rasmussen.

In a six-way matchup this week, Trump leads Harris 47% to 45%, with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. getting 4%, according to the poll. However, RFK is reportedly poised to end his campaign this week and throw his support behind Trump.

In the 6-way, Trump's lead among independents is 9 points, 48% to 39%, with Kennedy getting 7% support, according to the poll.

Harris is such a lousy candidate that I suspect that much of her support is because of irrational Trump hatred. Ir is hard to believe that nearly half the country thinks she is smart or capable of leading the country.  I suspect that she would have to be proper up in much the same way dementia Joe Biden has been. 


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