Open borders Biden


Biden-Harris DHS Freed ‘Los Killers’ Gang Leader into U.S., Wanted for 23 Murders in Peru


 “He is a highly dangerous criminal who believed he was untouchable and responsible for 23 murders, including other gang leaders who ended up dead along with their families, all in order to increase his criminal leadership,” Peru’s High Complexity Crime Investigations Division Col. Franco Moreno told the Associated Press.

Torres-Navarro first crossed the U.S.-Mexico border near Roma, Texas on May 16. After having been apprehended by Border Patrol agents that day, Torres-Navarro was given a Notice to Appear (NTA) before a federal immigration judge and released into the U.S. interior.


Also arrested by ICE agents was Torres-Navarro’s girlfriend, Mishelle Sol Ivanna Ortiz Ubillus, who is considered the gang leader’s right-hand person and also has a leading role within Los Killers.

Torres-Navarro is in ICE custody in Buffalo, New York while Ortiz Ubillus is being held by ICE agents in eastern Pennsylvania.

Why would ICE be giving a "notice to appear" to such dangerous people who are obviously wanted for heinous crimes?  It makes no sense. 


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