The DNC was a exercise in trying to mislead voters

 DC Daily Journal:


The mainstream media literally tried to tell the American people that Kamala Harris was never the “border czar” and used semantic arguments to explain away the fact that she was specifically put in charge of figuring out how the southern border crisis can be brought under control. On the watch of the Biden-Harris administration, that crisis has worsened. By all accounts, the “border czar” has failed, but by gaslighting the American people into believing that she was never a border czar they can just play the “deny deny deny” game.

One of the other big lies they are peddling is this nonsense about “Project 2025.” The Democrats really just want to make this Project 2025 out to be a source of pure hatred for anyone planning on voting for Democrats this fall. Demonize them and make it sound like you need to vote Democrat to “save yourself” from those “evil” Project 2025 psychos. As such, they’ve been trying to tie Donald Trump to Project 2025 nonstop, even though the Trump campaign keeps telling everyone they don’t care about Project 2025 and aren’t affiliated in any way.

That talking point was overplayed all throughout the Democrat National Convention. So much so that even a CNN employee, Scott Jennings, had to speak up about this obvious lie from the Left.

On Tuesday, CNN senior political commentator Scott Jennings took aim at President Joe Biden and the Democratic National Convention (DNC) for what he described as misleading statements about former President Donald Trump’s involvement with Project 2025.

During his late-night address at the DNC on Monday, President Biden suggested that Project 2025 is a key component of Trump’s platform. This assertion came despite denials from Trump and his campaign that he supports the document. Jennings, appearing on CNN Newsroom, emphasized that Trump has explicitly disavowed Project 2025.

Jennings commented on the DNC’s tactics, noting that the convention seemed intent on associating Trump with Project 2025. Host Abby Phillip pointed out that the DNC was using dramatic visuals to reinforce their narrative.

“They had Mallory McMorrow, that Michigan state legislator who kind of became a social media star, come out with a giant book that said Project 2025 on it and they’re going to make that a theme every day of this convention,” Phillip observed. She added, “So there’s a positive message of freedom, but they’re also really trying to hang that giant book, Project 2025, around Donald Trump’s neck. And they have a captive audience for it.”

Jennings criticized this approach, asserting that it represents a distortion of reality. “Yeah, and an audience willing to buy a bunch of lies. I mean, Donald Trump has disowned this. He has no part of it,” Jennings said.

He elaborated, “Throughout all the speeches, there were attacks on Donald Trump that are not rooted in reality, but this convention wants to hear it. What was amazing to me about the whole night, and particularly Joe Biden’s speech, is just what a fabricated reality he lives in, and what a fabricated reality they want their base to live in, because the reality is this is not Trump’s agenda. They come out with this massive cartoonish oversized prop. But the whole point is to make the whole crowd of people believe something that’s not true.”

This is what you get from a party that is incapable of defending its agenda over the last four years.  They want us to forget how much worse the economy was under Biden and the 20 percent inflation during his first year in office that we are still feeling the effects of.  They want us to forget that we went from a world with no major wars to major wars in Europe and the Middle East as adversaries took advantage of the Biden administration's weakness.

See also:

Trump to Newsmax: Harris Lied During 'Very General Speech'


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