Trump recognizes the Department of Education was a mistake

 The Federalist Wire:


In a recent interview with Elon Musk on X Spaces, former President Donald Trump made it clear that if reelected, he intends to dismantle the Department of Education and return control of education to individual states.

Trump, the 45th president, highlighted the troubling decline in U.S. education rankings compared to other developed nations, despite the country’s significant financial investment. The United States, he noted, spends “more per pupil than any other country in the world,” yet continues to lag behind in educational outcomes.

“I want to close the Department of Education — move education back to the states…” Trump stated during the discussion with Musk, who is the CEO of Tesla and the owner of X (formerly known as Twitter).

Trump argued that by shifting control to the states, the education system would become more cost-effective while fostering healthy competition among the states. He acknowledged that not all states might excel initially, but this competitive pressure would drive improvement across the board.

“But if you moved education back to the 50 [states], you’ll have some that won’t do well…But they’ll actually be forced to do better because it’ll be a pretty bad situation,” Trump explained. “But if you think about it, you’ll have some of these states — I’ll bet you’d have 30, 35 states [where education] will be much better. And you know what? It’ll cost less than half what it is in Washington. And these people don’t care about the students in these far away states.”

The Democrats have been wasting money on failed policies.  Returning competition among the states should lead to improved results.  California used to be a leader but has yet to catch up since the change.  Texas is now among the leaders in educational results.


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