Democrats' attack on democracy

 The Federalist Wire:


A Democratic National Committee (DNC) employee has officially lodged a complaint seeking to disqualify the Green Party’s presidential candidate from appearing on Wisconsin’s ballot.

The complaint, filed on Wednesday, argues that the Green Party is ineligible under state law, setting the stage for another intense battle over third-party candidates in a crucial swing state.

This move is the latest in a series of efforts by the DNC to limit third-party candidates’ influence in the 2024 election.

Democrats are also actively working to prevent independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. from appearing on ballots in multiple states.

Wisconsin’s importance in the presidential race cannot be overstated. In four of the past six elections, the state’s results have hinged on a margin of just 5,700 to 23,000 votes.

One of the likely results if this effort is successful is that fewer people will be voting.  Those pushing this effort probably think that by denying access to these candidates the votes will switch to Democrats.  It also signals the desperation of Democrats who are running behind in the polls. 

See also:

Democrats’ latest efforts to ban presidential candidate from ballot has voters fuming


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