New poll puts Trump back in the lead

 PJ Media:


According to the poll, which surveyed 1,001 likely voters, Trump still leads Harris 43-41 nationally, with a margin of error of 3.1 points.

A separate online survey teased out the attributes responsible for Trump's lead. It found that voters still see him as the stronger, more charismatic candidate, who is more likely to get things done.

Even so, Harris scores better than Biden across the board. And it all suggests that she is shaping up to be a more formidable opponent than the 81-year-old she replaced. 

James Johnson, co-founder of J.L. Partners, noted that despite a challenging stretch, the poll still contained several positive indicators for Trump.

"Do not get us wrong. Harris has made big inroads—especially with young voters and blacks—and she has started to close the gap with independents. But Trump holds an advantage with his base, who remain more energized, and has held his position with whites, Hispanics, and voters over the age of 50," he said. "Harris's biggest support remains relatively limited to 18 to 49-year-olds. A lot of this is due to Trump’s dominance on the issues of the economy and the border."


I am surprised that Kamala Harris is polling as well as she is.  She is a dunce who took ridiculous positions and is now trying to reverse them and adopt many of the Trump positions.  She is not to be trusted.  Kamala Harris would be a disaster for America.


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