Trump will compete with Dems during their convention

 DC Daily Journal:


As Vice President Kamala Harris gains momentum ahead of the Democratic National Convention next week, former President Donald Trump and his campaign are intensifying their efforts to counteract her rise. The Trump campaign announced on Wednesday that the former president will hold a news conference on Thursday, marking his second in a week.

The campaign also plans to launch a series of counter-programming events during the Democrats’ national nominating convention, set to begin on Monday in Chicago. A senior Trump campaign adviser, speaking to Fox News under anonymity, revealed that “a whole cadre of people,” including Trump and his top surrogates, will be active in key battlegrounds. “We’re certainly going to have key people in the battlegrounds and available to the media to counterprogram,” the adviser said.

Both parties are breaking with the tradition of going silent during the other party's convention.  Democrats had Biden giving a speech during the GOP convention Trump is planning events during the Democrat show.

See also:

Kamala Harris derailed her campaign after blindsiding her allies


 In a move that’s left many Democrats scrambling, Vice President Harris unexpectedly threw her support behind a proposal originally championed by former President Trump — a proposal to exempt service and hospitality workers’ tips from taxes.

This idea, once dismissed by Democrats as nothing more than a “bogus” attempt to win votes, has now been inexplicably embraced by Harris, raising eyebrows across the political spectrum.


I suspect she made this change because polling showed the Trump move was popular. 


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