Why would anyone want to vote for Democrats in the midterms?

Star Parker:
Amidst all this, why anyone would want to turn the House back to a welfare state run by Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters, with sclerotic growth and moral relativism, is a mystery.

Democrats are pouring in funds, feverishly targeting key Republican districts. And, of course, they’re getting plenty of help from the left-wing propaganda machine that is the mainstream media.

And this same propaganda machine continues to push out the lie that Republicans are hostile to minorities.

But blacks see and feel the truth. Record low black and Hispanic unemployment rates show the robust economy is reaching all Americans.

The NAACP’s own polling shows black approval for President Trump at 21 percent, more than three times higher than the percentage of blacks that voted for him in 2016. A Rasmussen poll shows black approval for Trump at an incredible 36 percent.

Which brings me to a remarkable young man, John James, who, with the endorsement of President Trump, won the Republican primary for the Senate in Michigan. James is a 37-year-old black conservative. A graduate of West Point, he served in Iraq, where he piloted Apache helicopters, and he now runs his family business in Michigan.

James will run against establishment Democrat Debbie Stabenow, who is looking to capture her fourth term in the Senate. Recent polls show Stabenow with a 15-point advantage. But the race has not yet started, and James could capture this seat. No state was more heavily hit by the assault on manufacturing, by the financial collapse and by Democratic mismanagement, than Michigan. A Republican governor and a focus on prudent fiscal management have turned things around. The Census Bureau reported in 2017 that for the first time since 2001 more people moved into Michigan than left.

James, with his conservative appeal and sterling credentials, is an exciting new face of the Republican Party and could be one of the great surprises and upsets of 2018.
I have been impressed by James and hope he can defeat Stabenow who seems to be a typical intellectual lightweight Democrat backbencher.  He has shown that people can still achieve great things and create jobs in the private sector.

BTW, President Trump has endorsed John James in this race.
In two tweets, Trump called James "SPECTACULAR" and praised his credentials as a "West Point graduate, businessman and African American leader."

"Rarely have I seen a candidate with such great potential," Trump tweeted. "John is strong on crime and borders, loves our Military, our Vets and our Second Amendment. He will be a star. He has my full and total Endorsement!"


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