Democrats with a low regard for the US Constitution

Power Line:
One of the more revealing moments in the Democrats’ Judiciary Committee clown show was when Kamala Harris sneeringly referred to the Constitution as “that book that you [Judge Kavanaugh] carry.” Harris is her generation’s Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: ridiculously far-left, quite good-looking, and utterly ill-informed.

Here is the exchange:
Of course, as Kavanaugh went on to explain, unenumerated rights are indeed in the “book” for which Harris showed so much contempt. The Ninth Amendment says:

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

The Ninth Amendment was intended to preclude any implication that the Bill of Rights was an exclusive list of rights enjoyed by Americans, so that the government could do anything not specifically barred. But the key word, I think, is “retained.” The Ninth Amendment doesn’t open the door to any bogus “right” judges might dream up to advance a political agenda, centuries after the fact, in derogation of democratically enacted laws.
Harris is a liberal who appears to think that the Constitution is meant to be a document that allows them to do anything they want as long as they can get a liberal judge on the court to agree to it.  She is an intellectual lightwight who is not in the same league with intelligent people like Kavanaugh.


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