Trump needs to use FDR's critique of the media and opposition. It would create a real dilemma for both

Steven Hayward:
I can imagine Trump at some point next year getting up and saying, “Never before in all our history have these forces [the media and the opposition party] been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me—and I welcome their hatred.”
Actually those are the words of President Franklin Roosevelt in his last major campaign speech before the 1936 election. FDR didn’t refer to the media outlets that opposed him (like the Chicago Tribune) as “the enemy of the people.” Instead, he called them “the Tory press.” And what did he mean by the term “Tory”? Subtle, perhaps, but it meant they were anti-American.
FDR was much less subtle in 1932 when he compared Republicans to the Tories of the American Revolution who “left the country.” Here is FDR’s actual statement:
There are two ways of viewing the government’s duty in matters affecting economic and social life. The first sees to it that a favored few are helped and hopes that some of their prosperity will leak through, sift through, to labor, to the farmer, to the small businessman. That theory belongs to the party of Toryism, and I had hoped that most of the Tories left this country in 1776.  But it is not and never will be the theory of the Democratic Party.
So Republicans should leave the country! FDR didn’t even invite them to come back after they had fixed their home country. Imagine if he had put that in a Tweet.
This was merely the beginning of what became the standard playbook for the left, except instead of making the charge of anti-Americanism (the Left is obviously conflicted on this point), they defaulted to fascism and racism instead. By 1945 FDR was saying that a Republican return to power would represent a victory for the forces of fascism we were fighting against overseas. Nothing subtle about that charge.
Or how about this front page headline from the New York Times on October 25, 1948:
CHICAGO, Oct. 25 — A Republican victory on election day will bring a Fascistic threat to American freedom. . .
There is much more.

It appears that Democrats think getting their own medicine is "unfair."  I think Trump needs to put these FDR quotes in his tweets about his political opposition and watch the Democrats and their media cohorts scramble like roaches when the light comes on.


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