The threat caused by the Obama deal with Iran made war more likely

CNS News:
Israeli Ambassador to US with Mark Levin: Iran Nuke Deal Made Prospects of War Much More Likely

“Now, there were a lot of people that had a lot of hopes about what Iran would do, and it turns out that a lot of those people that thought this deal would make Iran more moderate, that thought this deal would make the prospects of war less likely, were completely wrong,” said Israeli Ambassador to the United States Ron Dermer. “It made the prospects of war much more likely.”
“You know, a lot of people don’t know this, Mark. They think that the big money that Iran got from the deal was up front. They say, ‘Well, they got $50 billion or $100 billion or $150 billion.’ There was a big debate at the time in 2015 exactly how much money it is. That’s not the big money in the deal. The big money in this deal was the ability that Iran has under the deal to sell and export oil. And Iran, a year ago, was exporting nearly 3 million barrels a day of oil. Last month, Iran was roughly about half a million barrels a day, in a month. Now that’s an over two million barrel a day difference. Now, the price a barrel – I didn’t check this morning, but – it’s probably like $65, $70. That’s $130 million a day. 30 days in a month means $4 billion every month, and in a year that is nearly $50 billion. Over 10 to 15 years, that’s over half a trillion dollars that’s going into Iran’s coffers.

“And I’d love to tell you, Mark, that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard are going to establish a GI bill for returning members, but that’s not what happened in Iran. What they use, is they use those billions of dollars pouring into Iran – as I said – to fuel this war machine in the Middle East, not just against Israel, in Syria and in Lebanon, but also against the Saudis in Yemen, in Iraq. They didn’t join the community of nations. They were gobbling up the nations.

“And because of President Trump’s decision, Iran went from having a tailwind at its back to now facing a huge headwind. And that has made Israel much safer. It has made our Arab neighbors much safer. Right now, Iran, over the last few weeks, has tried to lash out because they’re worried about all this pressure that is being placed on them. And the right response to Iran’s lashing out is to actually increase the pressure. And that will actually make the Middle East a much safer place.”
Dermer is right about Iran.  The Obama and Euro's deal with Iran was one of the least intelligent in world history.  That some people would like to reinstate it shows you how those people have not learned anything from watching what Iran was doing with the money.  If they do try to reinstate it the results will likely be a major war with Iran by its Middle East neighbors.


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