Portland, Oregon in the grips of domestic terrorist group Antifa?

Washington Examiner Editorial:
Portland, Oregon, is rotting from within. Its streets, once a haven for creativity and expression, are roamed and controlled by masked thugs who violently and furiously attack people who disagree with them.

Conservative photojournalist Andy Ngo knows this all too well. He has spent years covering antifa and reporting on its protests in Portland, which turn are violent more often than not.

Ngo's diligent professionalism landed him in the hospital recently. He had a brain hemorrhage from the antifa thugs' attacks on him. Some of this photo equipment had also been destroyed. The attack was captured on video by a local reporter, Jim Ryan. It shows a group of masked young men hitting Ngo in the head repeatedly, spraying him with what appears to be pepper spray, and throwing milkshakes, which Portland police believe contained quick-dry cement, in his face.
The antifa activists knew whom they were attacking. Ngo has been targeted for online harassment by antifa affiliates for months because he documents the worst side of the group’s demonstrations: their vandalism and violence against opponents, which are largely ignored by the media, presumably because those organizations are sympathizers. Ngo knew the risks when he went to the protest. Earlier that day, he expressed concern for his safety after antifa had singled him out in one of its online forums. But the fact that he knows these people's loathsome characters and behavior does not mean he is somehow to blame for being among them to report their outrages.

Antifa’s retributive violence is alarming. They attacked a man who posed not physical threat. Perhaps more disturbing than that is the fact that the rioters felt safe attacking an unarmed person in broad daylight. They knew or were confident that they would not be punished. Violence against citizens isn’t permitted under Portland’s laws. It's a crime. Where were the police whose job it is to enforce these laws? What we have in Portland is a deliberate and cowardly failure of government, with dire consequences for Portland and the rest of the nation.

Let’s start with why antifa attacked Ngo. He criticized the movement, frequently documenting its flagrant and public violent actions. Ngo had just as much right to be at Saturday’s protests as the thugs who staged it. This is why they attacked him. The idea that a conservative journalist could stand in their midst and question their behavior was unacceptable. These are their streets, they believe, and they may assault anyone they want.

Perhaps there is another reason antifa attacked Ngo. He himself explained it well when he said its activists find meaning in violence. They don't believe in pluralism, tolerance, and debate, which most Americans have traditionally taken for granted. Instead of working through a system they don't believe in, antifa rioters use violence to advance a destructive, cruel, murderous revolution that, thankfully, they are powerless to effect.
Antifa activists are the Brownshirts of liberal fascism wearing masks and operating under the false flag of being anti-fascists.  Their conduct if similar to the Brownshirts who intimidated Hitler's enemies.  That Portland allowed these masked hooligans to roam freely is a disgrace.


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