A tale told by an idiot

 Red States:


As we previously reported, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said that the Democrats’ presentation at that impeachment trial was a “lot of sound and fury signifying nothing,” that President Donald Trump would ultimately be acquitted.

But Andrea Mitchell, you know one of those “unbiased reporters,” thought she had Cruz on the ropes with a “gotcha.”

Troublingly, she got thousands of likes on the tweet showing that there were thousands who were as ignorant as she was. She even got this also-ignorant response from the WaPo’s not-conservative, Jennifer Rubin.

Except, as virtually everyone knows, Cruz is right. Faulkner’s “Sound and Fury” was taken from Shakespeare, some 300 years later. But what perhaps was worse than the basic ignorance of both Mitchell and Rubin, was how sure they were that they were right.


Cruz responded with another line from Shakespeare, this one from Hamlet, “Methinks she doth protest too much.”

There is much more.

Faulkner chose the title because his novel was narrated by a retarded man in the stream of consciousness style. It was, indeed, a tale told by an idiot.  Mitchell had a lot of company in being wrong about the original source of the quote.  There are several more tweets at the link above attacking Cruz.  I think it is almost always a mistake to underestimate Sen. Cruz.


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