US develops composite metal foam that can protect tanks and armored vehicles while saving weight

Fox News:
A revolutionary new material called Composite Metal Foam, or CMF, can pulverize enemy rounds and could even be used as an armor to protect tanks and other combat vehicles.

Believe it or not, this breakthrough foam may provide greater protection than traditional armor steel plates.

It is also far lighter than current armor. How much lighter? This foam has the potential to dramatically reduce the armor weight on combat vehicles by about 65 percent.

This is a discovery with potential to revolutionize future tanks and armored vehicles.

In addition to defending against direct hits by powerful enemy weapons, the wonder foam may also deliver better protection from explosion blast waves, deadly “cookoffs” and even radiation.

Scientists at North Carolina State University and the U.S. Army’s Aviation Applied Technology Directorate have been working together on this remarkable foam.
Armor piercing rounds are a serious threat — and a growing threat, as they have become more widely used by enemies of the United States. These rounds are designed to tear through heavy armor like it is aluminum soup can for maximum destruction.

It may seem hard to believe, but tests continue to prove that this foam not only stops rounds, but it can smash the would-be armor piercing rounds into smithereens.

In one test, one inch of this remarkable foam faced off against an M2 .30 caliber armor piercing bullet. The bullet travels with 2,780 foot-pounds of energy and when it makes contact with the foam, that armor piercing round is Hulk-smashed by the foam.
The foam can also defend against blast from explosives.  With the lighter weight, it could lead to more maneuverable armored vehicles that will also be significantly more fuel efficient.   It is also likely to be cheaper than using active defense measures that destroy incoming shells.


  1. I am sure it will soon be applied to body armor, greatly reducing the equipment weight of a combat solider. However I have no great urge to test its ability to stop armor piecing rounds. Unless it can dissipate the kinetic energy of the round. You would still be disabled or seriously injured.


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