Trump is putting California's immigration policy on the defensive

San Diego Union-Tribune:
resident Donald Trump has California Democrats on the defensive over immigration these days.

He’s moved to put a citizenship question on the 2020 census and is picking up support from some California cities and counties in his fight against the state’s sanctuary laws.

Policy merits aside, the politics may work for Republicans, at least in the macro sense.

Not surprisingly, the San Diego-area congressional delegation is split along party lines on the census question, while Republican boards and councils are the ones lining up to join Trump’s lawsuit to dismantle the sanctuary statutes.

The citizenship question on its face doesn’t seem like a big deal: Let’s use the census to count how many citizens actually live here. That’s a simple concept to grasp.

The reason we shouldn’t is less so. Most experts and current and former census officials say it will result in an undercount — when the main purpose of the census is to get an accurate count of who’s actually living here, regardless of citizenship. There’s plenty of empirical and anecdotal evidence that even legal immigrants might be reluctant to participate, let alone those who are unauthorized. The Trump administration says the evidence is not definitive.

An accurate count is important because it helps determine the composition and number of congressional districts — and thus electoral votes — and the distribution of federal funds. That money goes to schools, police departments and all sorts of social service and business programs, among other things.

California is the state with the most immigrants, legal and not, and seems a sure loser if the question remains part of the census. Billions of dollars could go to other states along with one or more congressional districts.
Why should citizens in the rest of the country subsidize California's flawed immigration policy?  Why should citizens cede representation of illegal voters?  Calfornia is being challenged not only by Trump but by some of its own votes because of the danger posed by its immigration law scofflaw policy of protecting illegal's.


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