The tyranny of the left causes Republicans to not display their support for candidates

Fletch Daniels:
Cultural tyranny reigns in America, the last step before full-fledged political tyranny. 
Lurking beneath the surface of virtue signaling leftists are tyrants seeking to exert their will over those they despise.  The defining leftist culture enables them to ruthlessly use all the power at their disposal, both real and imagined, to enforce a single acceptable viewpoint on society. 
In some geographic areas, this is more obvious than in others, but no area will ultimately be spared. This week, my wife volunteered during the Virginia Republican primary.  As people came by the booth to get information on the candidates, she offered these Republican voters an opportunity to sign up for yard signs.  Most whispered that they could never put something like that up in their neighborhood.  That’s understandable.  Unless a family is willing to stand guard 24/7 over their property, a Trump bumper sticker or sign here is a risky proposition at best.
And so the Northern Virginia neighborhoods surrounding us are dotted with almost exclusively Democrat yard signs and the ubiquitous and unintentionally ironic “Hate has No Home Here” signs that literally blare that their home is a sanctuary of vile hatred and small-minded contempt. 
When people can’t put a bumper sticker for their preferred candidate on their car, they have suffered a loss of liberty.  No Republicans who have paid even a little bit of attention expect the prevailing powers in Democrat areas to safeguard their property, or even their lives and liberty.  The very reason for establishing a government has been upended.  In this area, liberty-minded people almost operate like a secret society sending quiet signals to one another. 
Democrats in this country do not feel they need to hide their political allegiance or culturally approved viewpoints.  Most never shut up about it, believing they are speaking truth to power, even as they bask in the approval of the corrupt and wicked power centers. 
Nobody gets to sit this one out.  The cultural enforcers expect everyone to parrot their talking points publicly, to destroy all resistance, forcing dissenters to grovel in submission.  That’s the whole idea behind the “silence is violence” aggression.  Cultural violence is quite the opposite of silence; it is forcing people to say what no sane person should believe in order to not be destroyed. 
Few stand against this pressure, which is why nearly all major companies and organizations have come out with quisling statements of support of the name of a vile Marxist organization like Black Lives Matter.  It’s why Hillsdale College’s response was so notable, because it was a rare exception to the rule.  [This was not surprising coming from one of the only places in America still putting up statues to honor our tremendous heritage of liberty when the cultural zeitgeist is to rip them all down and start at a Marxist Year Zero.]  Hate groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter operate quite freely in this environment, serving as the cultural shock troops and the terrorist wing of the cultural tyrants who have taken over the Democrat party.
There is much more.

 This also explains why polling tends to understate the support for Trump and other Republicans.  The tyrannical leftists have pushed the support for the President underground with their mad dog approach to dialog.


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