Hunter Biden accused of selling access to Obama administration programs to Burisma

PJ Media:
Newly released State Department memos reveal that the Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings landed a deal with an Obama administration renewable energy program. Burisma signed the deal with the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Municipal Energy Reform Project in Ukraine (MERP) in October 2014. A copy of this agreement was obtained by Just The News.

There are several troubling details about this deal that support the belief that Hunter Biden was selling access and influence with the Obama administration. Let’s look at the facts:

The deal was made soon after Hunter Biden joined the board at Burisma

Hunter Biden got his lucrative position on the board of Burisma Holdings in May 2014, despite having no experience in the field. His only qualification was that his father was the vice president of the United States and was Obama’s point man for U.S. relations with Ukraine. Despite Hunter Biden’s lack of qualifications, he made between $80,000 and  $166,000 a month, sparking allegations that he was selling access to the White House. Burisma’s MERP deal with the Obama administration was made six months after Hunter Biden joined their board. Are we really supposed to believe that was just a coincidence?

Burisma was under a corruption investigation at the time of the deal

The timing of the deal is also noteworthy because when the deal was signed Burisma was the subject of two separate corruption investigations into the company’s alleged financial schemes. One investigation was by the British government and the other by the Ukrainian government. Burisma’s notorious corruption would have been enough of a red flag to avoid entering into a deal with them, but being the subject of two corruption investigations raises even more questions about how that deal could have possibly been approved without the Biden connection.

The program was championed by one of Joe Biden’s key advisers

Amos Hochstein, Joe Biden’s energy advisor at the time, had championed the MERP program during a July 2014 Senate hearing in July 2014—a mere three months before the Memorandum of Understanding between Burisma and MERP was signed.
“It is critical that Ukraine reduce the country’s energy intensity,” Hochstein testified. “Thankfully, the United States has a long history of support for energy efficiency in Ukraine. Most recently, USAID’s Municipal Energy Reform Project (MER Project) is designed to enhance Ukraine’s energy security as well as to reduce and mitigate GHG emissions resulting from the poor use of energy resources in Ukrainian municipalities.”
Last year, the Washington Examiner reported that Hochstein also met with the American firm Blue Star Strategies, which had been hired by Bursima to repair its public image with regard to corruption. According to a report from New Yorker magazine, Hochstein also had a “direct conversation” with then-Vice President Joe Biden about his son’s role with Burisma.
There is more.

This is more evidence that Biden was selling his office to enrich his family.  It will be interesting to see if the mainstream media just ignores the evidence or acts as Biden's defense counsel in dealing with the corruption allegations.

One thing you can bet on.  If one of Trump's sons did something similar it would not be swept under the rung and would be a top of the fold story in the mainstream media.


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