Congressional candidate Kendall Qualls responds to the bogus allegations of America being racist

This is excerpted from his statement to Power Line:
My opponent’s virtue signaling insults me, and it should insult you too. Dean Phillips got his degree in Urban Studies from an Ivy League School in the Northeast. I got my degree in Urban Studies from the streets of Harlem in New York City.
Yet, unlike him, I’m not going to lecture you on the evils of white people, or guilt you into believing that “white privilege” makes you personally responsible for slavery and the struggles Black people face today.
I’m not going to lecture you like he did by telling you “racism is deeply ingrained in our history, in our institutions, and in our everyday lives, and white people [like you] have benefited from it.” I’m not going to lecture you from a place of privilege as the third wealthiest member of the House of Representatives and tell you racial justice will only be achieved if you “forgo” your comfort and take the blame as a white person.
I’m also not going to sit idly by as statues topple, and they tell you our history needs to be erased or rewritten. Why? Because I don’t believe it.
Like you, I know the overwhelming majority of white people aren’t racist. But as a Black man I am going to tell you that if you look for racism in America you will find it. At the same time, if you look for opportunity in America you will find it tenfold.
I am also going to tell you that in spite of spending part of my childhood in a crime and drug-infested housing project in Harlem, in spite of spending the other part in a trailer park in rural Oklahoma, and in spite of having to work nights and weekends to put myself through school, I made it.
I made it because America is an exceptional place full of exceptional people. And there are millions more just like me who made it – white, black, brown, and everything in between.
However, my opponent and his progressive comrades across the nation are using the tragic death of George Floyd to fuel the flames of racism and create a smoke screen to cover up how they failed our cities, our country, and the Black community.
This election is about our country’s direction. We must fight the ideology of destruction and those who promote the vision of America as a systemically racist country. We must fight those who enable and spread this vision, paving the way for mob rule in the process.
My opponent can independently fund his political campaign from his trust fund. In fact, he already has. Do I begrudge him for his wealth? No, because this is America and everyone has a right to pursue prosperity and happiness. But I do take umbrage at his characterization of America given all that this country has given me and my family.
I’m not afraid to tell you that life isn’t fair. Like all countries, America has its imperfections. But with faith and hard work, you have the freedom in this country to overcome your circumstances and build a better life. I’m proof of it. I want to protect the freedom that allowed my opponent’s family to prosper, allowed me and my family to improve our lot in life, and make sure that freedom is here so you and your family can prosper too.
It is worth reading in full.  America will be better served if Qualls wins his race.  So would blacks in America who adopt his vision.


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