This is a reflection of the media mindset that prompts unfair reporting on the President

Washington Free Beacon:
Reporters Fall for Fake Document of Trump Making Absurd Demands in Israel

The Twitter account Rogue White House Senior Advisor on Friday shared what it claimed was Trump's demands ahead of a trip to Israel, including roughly a metric ton of sugary and non-kosher junk food.
Some elements of the purported demands were obvious jokes. The demand that microwaves remain unplugged was a mocking reference to White House advisor Kellyanne Conway's bizarre comment that the appliance could be used for spying, and the request for electoral maps to be posted on each walls mocked Trump's tendency to allude to his victory.

Nonetheless, Jerusalem Post journalist Anna Ahronheim saw the image and believed it was legitimate.
Other reporters at the Jerusalem Post, Business Insider, the Nation, NBC News, the Washington Post, and Mother Jones soon shared Ahronheim's tweet.
One of the reporters to retweet Ahronheim was Glenn Kessler, editor of the Washington Post‘s Fact-Checker blog. Kessler deleted his retweet when the error was pointed out and began correcting the record.
The supposed requests which you can see at the link above included huge quantities of double stuffed Oreos and bacon.  That so many of the media outlets fell for the joke tells you something about how they manage the news about the Trump administration.


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