The myth of 'white privelege'

Daily Wire:
Filmmaker Ami Horowitz has put forth a fantastic video that completely dismantles the left-wing myth of white privilege by using the Left's own words against them.

The video begins with Horowitz interviewing a number of white people at a so-called "White Privilege Conference" in Kansas City, Missouri, and asking them if they believe that every white person is a beneficiary of white privilege. The white leftists say yes, with one lady saying that she feels "super guilty all the time." In fact, a number of the white leftists Horowitz interviewed claimed that all whites in America are racist.

Then Horowitz asked the same people if it was "wrong to judge people collectively." They all answered yes, seemingly unaware of the obvious contradiction that Horowitz caught them in.

When Horowitz proceeded to ask them how white privilege benefited them that day, none of them were able to give a coherent answer except one who said he "sat in my room until 12:30 this morning." Despite the lack of examples of how white privilege gave them a leg up that day, the white leftists maintained that white privilege is an impediment to blacks every day.

So Horowitz decided to go to Jackie Robinson Housing Projects in Harlem to ask blacks if they felt that they were "consumed with the idea of white privilege" on a daily basis. Much to the chagrin of race-baiting white leftists, they all said no.

One lady said, "My mom didn't raise me to view color as the object of anything." Another lady said that it was harmful to spread the myth of privilege because it gives black kids "no hope." One man flat-out called white privilege "a myth," citing the fact that he had seen a number of kids in the housing project go on to lead successful careers.
The term "white privilege" is meant to denigrate the achievements of successful whites.  While the Harlem interviews are instructive, it would also be instructive to go to Appalachia and try to convince poor whites in that region that they are privileged.

Success is usually based on desire and hard work to achieve a goal.

The NBA is filled with black players who did just that and no one should denigrate their achievement by suggesting they benefited from black privilege.  To suggest that whites who are high achievers benefit from privilege is racist and wrong.

It is as absurd as the other liberal trope of cultural appropriation.  Both of these concepts are popular on liberal campuses which tells you something about the low functioning of liberals in academia.


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