Hybrid dirt bike gives special ops more stealth in approaching the enemy

Popular Science:
The bike is so quiet it even surprised its designer. Dzwill recalls a testing session in the woods where a rider was able to sneak up on him undetected. "He just popped up behind us, like the sound of us walking was enough to completely hide the sound of the motorcycle approaching behind us." As a comparison, they were able to hear a traditional gas-powered dirtbike from almost a mile away.

There are no other stealth features for the SilentHawk other than its quiet engine, but that's still probably enough for the silent professionals that may take it into battle. Traveling undetected is a tremendous advantage, provided the bike itself doesn't end up a encumbrance. Which nods to one of DARPA's goals in asking for new prototypes: reducing the weight, while retaining all the added functionality.

Off the shelf, an Alta Motors electric motorcycle weighs 270 pounds. With everything added to the first prototype, including two-wheel drive, the hybrid engine, and the control system, the total weight is 350 pounds. To get that heft back down, Logos is going to need to rework part of the hybrid engine. Originally built for the Parahawk unmanned aerial vehicle program, the engine is liquid-cooled. A new air-cooled engine could do-away with the radiator and shed pounds in the process.

And to provide flexibility as well as lightening the load of the bike, SilentHawk is somewhat modular. One kit will provide auxiliary power, a user interface, and equipment storage. Another one will extend the range of the bike. Both kits can work with the hybrid engine, and the seat with generator attached can be swapped out for a standard seat. (The generator can work even if the bike isn't moving, too). The end goal is something flexible for lots of needs, which can be adapted in the field.
When the gas engine is a true flex fuel that can run on all sorts of fuel from regular gas to jet fuel and diesel.  It sounds like a bike that would serve special ops well in places like Yemen where speed and stealth of approach are key to success.


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