Russia is playing the intel leakers

Holman Jenkins:
The Trump-Russia Story Starts Making Sense

The Kremlin seems to have bet big on the willingness of U.S. intelligence agencies to leak.

This also should shed new light on today’s anti-Trump leakers in the intelligence agencies: They may be the real unwitting agents of Russian influence.
It’s times like this we are reminded how personally stupid are many people who make up the media. These leaks need to be investigated—and by Mr. Mueller specifically to the extent that the leaks, as seems more and more likely, indirectly or partly have their origins in Russian manipulation of our own intelligence and law enforcement agencies.

Democrats wanted an independent counsel investigation of Russia’s election meddling. They believed it would lead to evidence of, or at least keep alive the story of, Trump collusion. They may be unpleasantly surprised where it really leads.
This makes more sense than many of the leak stories such as the current one about Kushner's seeking a back channel to Russian leaders.   If the Russians are playing the US intel agencies they are having a serial success story on almost daily leaks.


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