Manchester bomber in direct contact with ISIS?

NY Times:

Bomber’s Trips to Syria and Libya Suggest Wider Plot

  • Salman Abedi, who carried out Britain’s deadliest terrorist attack since 2005, had recently traveled to two Islamic State strongholds. Investigators believe he likely got help planning the Manchester bombing.
  • Britain is on the highest level of alert — “critical,” meaning that a further attack “may be imminent.”
The Brits continue to arrest suspects in the bombing which also suggests a wider plot.  If the trips to Libya and Syria, both of which have substantial ISIS enclaves,  are interesting, but I still suspect a local bomb maker put his human bomb pack together.  I would like to think it would be difficult to get a bomb vest through customs on a return flight.  The Islamic terrorists do not usually send their bomb makers out to explode on purpose anyway.


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