Voters are questioning Democrats in Congress about their position on a border barrier

Washington Free Beacon:
The government shutdown may be over, but House Democrats are still facing pressure by constituents to address border security.

At town halls over the weekend, voters had their first opportunity to weigh in on the dispute that shuttered the federal government for more than a month. Although the impasse reached a short-term resolution on Friday it was still front and center in voters' minds.

"I don't understand how anybody can think that you can have a compromise and have [a] discussion when Nancy Pelosi stands up there and says, ‘I'll give him $1 for whatever the wall is,'" George Rogero told Democratic congressman Sean Patrick Maloney during a town hall in New York. "So when you talk about compromise, unfortunately, a lot of times a compromise means we get what we want and you don’t get anything."

In response, Maloney said he was open to "real" border security, including physical barriers where necessary, but would oppose a "sea-to-shining-sea" wall across the entirety of the border.

Maloney's colleagues in the House Democratic majority faced similar questions over the weekend. The issue of border security was particularly salient at town halls hosted by freshman Democrats, many of whom represent districts Trump carried on his way to the White House in 2016.

Freshman representative Kendra Horn (Okla.) said she was committed to working "across the aisle" to secure the border and avert another government shutdown when asked about the topic during a town hall on Saturday.

"My standpoint about border security is that we need to have a smart, comprehensive slate of solutions. What I mean by that is, we need to look at the technology and the right combination of things that's going to make us both safe and secure."

The congresswoman, who last week said everything needed "to be on the table" when it came to border security, reiterated that she was open to "some form" of barrier on America's southern border.

"In some places, that may include some form of a physical barrier. In many places, we need technology. There are sensors, there are drones, there are things we can do that will help to notify our Border Patrol agents on a more rapid basis," Horn said.

Likewise, Democratic congressman Anthony Brindisi, a freshman from New York, told constituents he was "looking forward to working with Democrats and Republicans" to forge a comprehensive deal to "strengthen our borders" in the next few weeks.

"I could support funding for physical barriers where the experts tell us they make sense … [also] investments in technology at the border, you have to have more border agents and if we can throw in there some other immigration reforms that have been hampering us for the last couple years we should try and get that done too," Brindisi said.
The people closest to the problem, the Border Patrol say the fences work and make their jobs easier.  All that detection technology does is exacerbate the problem by capturing the illegals who then are released into the country.  It does nothing to deter illegal migration.   That Democrat constituents are questioning the Democrats in Congress may do more to lead them to compromise than anything else.


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