Why Louisiana is falling behind other states

Ralph Abraham:
It’s morning in America again. After years of economic stagnation under former President Barack Obama, America is booming. Thanks to President Trump’s leadership, the American economy is growing above 3% annually, wages are rising across the board, and unemployment has hit its lowest point since 1969.

But in my home state of Louisiana, under the leadership of liberal Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards, the story is different. While the rest of the nation prospers, we’re missing out on the Trump boom. While the national economy experiences growth exceeding 3%, Louisiana's economy in lagging behind at 1%. It’s even worse when you compare us to our neighbors like Texas and Florida.

Over a recent 12-month period, Louisiana actually lost jobs. As these jobs leave for other states, so do our families. In the past three years, we’ve lost over 68,000 residents to other states. Unsurprisingly, U.S. News & World Report recently ranked Louisiana as dead last in the country across 70 different measures of quality-of-life.

It isn’t complicated why this is the case. Just like our country a few short years ago, Louisiana is led by a Democrat who’s more committed to growing government than growing jobs and supporting families.

While Trump cut taxes, Edwards raised them by $7 billion.

While Trump has unleashed our nation’s energy resources, Edwards has unleashed trial lawyers and lawsuits on Louisiana’s oil & gas industry — our top employer and taxpayer.

While Trump has cut regulations, Edwards has grown government and added regulations.

While Trump is prioritizing the needs of our families, Edwards has failed to prioritize infrastructure, early childhood education, and flood recovery.
There is more.

Abraham is a Congressman from Louisiana who is running for governor.  Edwards has been moving to the right as the election nears, but the economic numbers are not in his favor.


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