Guess what terrorist have in common?

Bret Stephens:


But here's a predictive certainty: Not one non-Muslim from any of these countries (or others such as Egypt or Jordan, which were oddly excluded from the list) will ever become a suicide bomber. The localized case of Sri Lanka's Tamils aside, suicide bombing is a purely Islamic phenomenon. Note that during the whole of the intifada there was not a single case of a Palestinian Christian blowing himself up, making a nonsense of the view that Israel's checkpoints and curfews and security fences were the main cause of the terror.

I noted at the time of the intifada the lack of exploding Christians. This is just more evidence that the root cause of this terrorism is not the living conditions of the terrorist but the religious bigotry they are taught. Stephen's point is about the nature of the searches and who is searched before boarding a plane.


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