Gitmo recidivism rate up to 20 %


As many as one in five former Guantanamo Bay detainees are suspected of or confirmed to have engaged in terrorist activity after their release, U.S. officials said, citing the latest government statistics.

The 20 percent rate is an increase over the 14 percent of former inmates that an April Pentagon report said were thought to have joined terrorist efforts, said the officials, who requested anonymity. The officials didn’t provide the numbers on which the 20 percent is based.

The increase adds a complication to President Barack Obama’s efforts to close the detention facility for terrorist suspects at the naval base in Cuba, a national security analyst said.

“No one wants to be responsible for releasing someone who goes on to kill Americans,” said Dan Byman, director of the Center for Peace and Security Studies at Georgetown University in Washington. “This makes it more difficult to close Guantanamo.”


Obama has an irrational desire to close Gitmo based on his belief it is a recruiting tool for the enemy. That omits the glaring obvious that the it did not exist for the period from 1993 until 2001 when al Qaeda was attacking us repeatedly. The fact is the root cause of Islamic terrorism is the religious bigotry of its adherents.


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