Texas Democrat nominee for governor owes past due property taxes

Houston Chronicle:
Democratic gubernatorial nominee Lupe Valdez, who has campaigned to close loopholes in the state's broken property-tax system, owes more than $12,000 in overdue taxes on seven properties in two counties, official records showed Thursday.

In addition, Valdez provided incorrect details on her official financial-disclosure report : A Dallas property that she owns is not listed, and two companies listed on the filing have incorrect names on the form. Her campaign attributes those mistakes to typos.

Valdez's campaign officials acknowledged that she owes taxes on several properties, but said she is paying them in monthly installments because she cannot afford to pay the total amounts, which were due at the end of January.
Dallas tax officials said while they show no agreement on file, Valdez could be paying the taxes late along with penalties and interest — which records show are included in the amounts she owes.

Online property tax records show Valdez personally owns or has an interest in 15 properties — including her two-story Oak Cliff homestead and several other houses along with several vacant lots — and has not fully paid taxes on six in Dallas County and one in Ellis County.
If the taxes are not paid by July, she will be dealing with a collection agency in teh middle of her campaign.  It will be interesting to see if she joins Republicans in pushing back against local property tax increases.


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